Online Giving

Xclaimed Ministries, Inc (EIN 20-5961413)


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  • Venmo: @xclaimed

Using Social Media

(Giving to the social media funds, your donation goes directly to them and they send to Xclaimed Ministries without any fees.  Your giving receipt will come from that organization.)

Why Sponsor Church Online and Evangelism…

I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. – Jesus
(Luke 15:7, NASB)

According to the Barna Research Group, they conclude that since 1990, the percentage of unchurched adults in America has risen from 30% to 43% of the population:


  1. People are leaving church more rapidly than newcomers are attending.
  2. The unchurched are becoming less responsive to churches’ efforts to connect with them. This finding confirms that the church must use unconventional methods to reconnect with the community, ways that are community friendly and peaks the interest of the most apathetic.
  3. LiveNation and LiveAnalytics conducted a study of Americans 18 and older that tracked concert attendance frequency and fan demographics. Their findings establish that concerts are growing as a popular form of entertainment in the U.S., meaning that Americans are becoming more passionate about concerts.
  4. Van Boven, Leaf; Gilovich, Thomas (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology), mention the power of “life-experience”, such as going to a concert or event, makes people happier than purchasing material things.

Xclaimed Ministries has witnessed both the decline in the churches as mentioned by the Barna Research Group and the increased desire for entertainment within most Americans.This may also explain why so many people attend our “Concerts in the Park” and why so many new commitments to Christ are made in this “non-churchy” environment.

There is a definite need to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.Jesus told us of His intended mission, “to seek and save the lost”.If we are to be the body of Christ, we must do the work He himself would do.  Jesus made it clear in Luke 15 that it is extremely important to reach the lost.

The Barna research reveals that in the 1990’s, roughly one out of every seven unchurched adults in the U.S. had never experienced regular church attendance.Today, that percentage has increased to nearly one quarter.Buried within these numbers are at least two important conclusions:

  1. Church is becoming increasingly unfamiliar to millions of Americans, and yet
  2. the churchless are still largely comprised of de-churched (formerly attending) adults.

As the decline in church continues, so does the decline in personal relationships with Christ. However, as many other studies reveal, people are seeking entertainment. They look for experiences that make them feel happier. People are turning to concerts, movies and other activities to fill their void of true happiness.

Xclaimed Ministries not only sees the need of reaching the lost for Christ, but we also know where to find them.People love to be entertained, receive free gifts and are looking for an experience they can talk about for many days to follow.

The Mobile Stage Project is simply outreach, compassionate ministries and evangelism combined as a community event.

As the Barna Research Group has pointed out, people are leaving the church.Young people, in general, are not interested in church.We can’t wait for the people to come to church, so we take the church to them in an unconventional manner. We share the Gospel through music and a Message of Hope through Jesus Christ.Over 29,000 people have attended our events thus far and between 8-10% have accepted a new life in Christ.

Your financial support to Xclaimed Ministries “The Mobile Stage Project” will help further evangelism and outreach by providing funds to purchase all the necessities for each event.

Our ministry continues to grow and help many more thousands of people, it also provides greater opportunity for others to get involved.

If you have a desire to sponsor a ministry that provides resources to people in need, toys for children and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ; please take a look at what God is doing in this ministry and prayerfully consider becoming a sponsor of Xclaimed Ministries, Inc (a 501-C-3 Non Profit Corporation).

Donations go toward all the needs of the ministry:

Typically, the majority of funds help purchase our basic needs.Toys for children

  • Bicycles for children
  • Food and supplies for community events
  • Advertising for the community outreach
  • Equipment rentals and purchases for the outreach events


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